info Overview
Name - What is Seafarer Bracelet’s full name?

Seafarer Bracelet

Item Type - What type of item is Seafarer Bracelet?


Description - Describe Seafarer Bracelet.

A simple bracelet, nothing much to look at.
A small rope through which is threaded a rouch seashell.

redeem Looks
Materials - What is Seafarer Bracelet made out of?

Rope, seashell, pearl

Weight - How much does Seafarer Bracelet weigh?

5 grams

date_range History
Year it was made - When was Seafarer Bracelet made?

When teh well of the world first sprung forth, when the eternal waters first frothed at the tips and Veridin was born.
The year the world began, before time could be recorded.

flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Seafarer Bracelet possess?

To any Seafarers, when they're wearing it, it connects them to their First Ancestor and allows them to shift to their seaform.

edit Notes
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