info Overview
Name - What is the name of Drunken Cow?

Drunken Cow

Description - How would you describe Drunken Cow?

marinated beef kabobs

Type of food - What kind of food is Drunken Cow?


kitchen Recipe
Ingredients - What ingredients are in Drunken Cow?

Beef, white wine, onion

Preparation - How do you prepare Drunken Cow?

cut the meat into cubes and soak in white wine spiced sauce over night

Cooking method - How do you cook Drunken Cow?

Skewer the beef with onion and cook on a open flame

Spices - What spices are common in Drunken Cow?

Rosemary, thyme, pepper, salt, garlic

Yield - How much Drunken Cow is usually made at a time?

enough to feed 15-30 people per household

Color - What colors does Drunken Cow come in?

beef colors

Size - How big is Drunken Cow?

one skewer will have 6 pieces of meat in 2" cubes

Smell - What does Drunken Cow smell like when cooking?

Fantastic, roasted garlic onion meat.

Variations - What are the most common variants of Drunken Cow?

Sometimes red wine is used.

room_service Sales
Sold by - Who sells Drunken Cow?

Traditionally made by each household. Hardly ever sold by vendors.

Rarity - How rare is it to see Drunken Cow?

Usually only eaten on Holidays. Especially the festival of candles.

Shelf life - How long does it take for Drunken Cow to go bad?

no shelf life. eat right away.

restaurant Eating
Meal - Which meal of the day is Drunken Cow usually served at?

Always after dark, sometimes as dinner, sometimes as late-night snack.

Serving - How is Drunken Cow served?

on skewers

Utensils needed - What utensils are needed to eat Drunken Cow?


Texture - What is the texture of Drunken Cow?


Scent - What does Drunken Cow smell like when served?

onion garlic meat

Flavor - What are Drunken Cow's flavors?

spiced wine beeg

cake Effects
Nutrition - How nutritious is Drunken Cow? What nutrients does it have?

lots of iron and protein.

Conditions - What conditons can Drunken Cow cause?

none usually

Side effects - What are the common side effects of eating Drunken Cow?

eating too much and getting a stomach ache.

history History
Place of origin - Where did Drunken Cow originate?

It seems to have come from Friar's Gate.

Origin story - What is the origin story of Drunken Cow?

One year when the goats were doing poorly, cows were used for this recipe. Since cows are not a common source of meat, it became a holiday delicacy.

Traditions - What traditions is Drunken Cow commonly associated with or eaten during?

Festival of Candles

Symbolisms - What does Drunken Cow symbolize in your world?

White wine is the female light of the meteors, beef is the male iron core of the meteorite

Reputation - What reputation does Drunken Cow have?

Holiday favorite

history Changelog
edit Notes

This food was created by Hummingbird_Goat on

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