info Overview
Name - What is yannika melrose harding (WIP)’s full name?

yannika melrose harding (WIP)

Role - What is yannika melrose harding (WIP)’s role in your story?

antagonist/future love interest

Other names - What other aliases does yannika melrose harding (WIP) go by?

viking, because she's like a warrior on the tennis court

Gender - What is yannika melrose harding (WIP)’s gender?


Age - How old is yannika melrose harding (WIP)?

17 years old




african-american (cameroonian)



Zodiac sign


face Looks
Weight - How much does yannika melrose harding (WIP) weigh?

128 lbs

Height - How tall is yannika melrose harding (WIP)?


Hair Colour

her natural hair colour is dark brown but she normally wears a silvery white wig.

Hair Style - How does yannika melrose harding (WIP) style their hair?

her natural hair is 4b, small, and just about goes below her ears. her silver-white wig is straight with bangs and goes down to her neck. her natural hair has only been seen twice in the series.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does yannika melrose harding (WIP) have?


Eye Colour

her natural eye colour is dark brown but she always wears #32CD32 green eye contacts. in the series, her natural eye colour is never shown.

Race - What is yannika melrose harding (WIP)’s race?


Skin Tone

people from cameroon tend to have relatively dark skin, and yannika is no exception. as the darkest character in the series, her skin is a very rich and dark shade of brown.

Body Type

flat, athletic and a bit thinner than normal for her age. due to her extensive tennis playing, she has quite muscly arms.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does yannika melrose harding (WIP) have?

much to kacey's chagrin, yannika sports dark brown freckles on her cheeks and nose although they're barely visible.


yannika's fashion sense used to change frequently, but now she has sort of a prep/jock/egirl thing going on. she is rarely seen without a necklace or a snazzy pair of earrings, and she likes her fair share of patterned clothing.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does yannika melrose harding (WIP) have?

as an autistic person, yannika stims a lot. she bounces on her feet, she pinches her thighs and she plays with her hair by twirling it around her finger. she doesn't have an indoor voice and she's quite touchy because she genuinely doesn't have much of a grasp on the concept of personal space.

Motivations - What motivates yannika melrose harding (WIP) most?

having good publicity, the love of her birth parents, beating the stigma and harmful stereotypes about autistic people, being the best she can possibly be

Flaws - What flaws does yannika melrose harding (WIP) have?

she sometimes puts others down to make herself feel better, she can manipulate people, she will go to unnecessary lengths to get what she wants.

Prejudices - What prejudices does yannika melrose harding (WIP) have?

when she was younger, her friends reacted negatively to her coming out as trans, and they were also ableist towards her.

Talents - What talents does yannika melrose harding (WIP) have?

playing tennis, having good leadership skills, problem-solving (e.g. escape rooms, puzzles)

Hobbies - What hobbies does yannika melrose harding (WIP) have?

her main special interest is tennis, but she also enjoys playing with rubik's cubes and volunteering at her local animal shelter.

Personality type - What personality type is yannika melrose harding (WIP)?

estj (myers-briggs), guardian (keirsey), type a (a vs b), lawful neutral (moral alignment), slytherin (hogwarts house), choleric (four temperaments), type 8w9 (enneagram).
yannika is a determined and powerful individual who is known for being outgoing and friendly. she is energetic, hardworking, and once she puts her mind to something she keeps at it. to some people, she can be seen as bitchy and two-faced.


not a condition, but she is autistic.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does yannika melrose harding (WIP) practice?


Politics - What politics does yannika melrose harding (WIP) have?


Occupation - What is yannika melrose harding (WIP)’s occupation?

high school student

Favorite colour


Favorite food - What is yannika melrose harding (WIP)’s favorite food?

her favourite meal is carbonara, but her favourite dessert is orange ice cream with a bit of sea salt and a dash of habanero sauce.

Favorite possession - What is yannika melrose harding (WIP)’s favorite possession?

since putting it on for the first time, yannika has grown a special connection to her white wig and she wears it everywhere she goes. it's somewhat of an emotional support item; she first saw an identical-looking wig in the window of a salon when she was four, and it was the last memory she had of her birth parents. when she transitioned, she vowed to find that wig and make it a part of her.

Favorite weapon - What is yannika melrose harding (WIP)’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is yannika melrose harding (WIP)’s favorite animal?

foxes, because she thinks they're cute.

Job - What job does yannika melrose harding (WIP) have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is yannika melrose harding (WIP)’s birthday?

17th october 2002

Education - What is yannika melrose harding (WIP)’s level of education?

high school

Background - What is yannika melrose harding (WIP)’s background?

• fostered when she was five; has an older sister, two younger brothers and one youngest sister
• is expected to take care of the family even though she's technically a child, gets accused of doing the "bare minimum" when it's not even her job
• birth parents are absolute sweethearts but foster parents are absolute shit
• mum 1 is a drug addict who's only there to give yannika money + mum 2 always berates her and tells her how terrible she is
• the only time they seem to "care" abt yannika is when they let her go shopping and give her money to buy whatever she wants
• so that became a coping mechanism for her, buying different wigs and outfits to try and disassociate from her 'family'
• all her life she's been told how useless, lazy and subpar she is but school is her escape
• it's the only place, besides the tennis court, where she gets positive attention and is quite popular because of her skills with the racquet
• so the reason she seems condescending and passive-aggressive is because she gets to be bossy and push others around for once
• she blames her birth parents for leaving, her foster parents for not being there for her, her siblings for making her life harder and her older sister for not being there for her
• in fact, she only recently found out she was on the autism spectrum
• she stole mum 1's drug money and scheduled an appointment with a doctor who formally diagnosed her
• but like, even though her parents are REALLY shitty, they're not homophobic or transphobic
• in fact, they lent her money so she could transition (of course they didn't come with her though)

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does yannika melrose harding (WIP) have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

45% slytherin, 22% gryffindor, 21% ravenclaw, and 12% hufflepuff
choleric -18/24, melancholic 5/24, sanguine 10/24, phlegmatic 10/24
she's transgender

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