info Overview
Name - What is salem grey’s full name?

salem grey

Role - What is salem grey’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does salem grey go by?

sal, ale

Name meaning

peaceful, safe, complete

Gender - What is salem grey’s gender?


Age - How old is salem grey?


face Looks
Height - How tall is salem grey?


Hair Color - What color is salem grey’s hair?

Jet black

Hair Style - How does salem grey style their hair?

Short, curly, coily, 3c type

Facial Hair - What facial hair does salem grey have?


Eye Color - What is salem grey’s eye color?

light brown

Race - What is salem grey’s race?

Human, black

Skin Tone

Dark brown

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does salem grey have?

vitiligo, freckles, scars on stomach and leg

Face Shape

heart i think


straight mostly, ___ grey was strict on ettiquette & respect

Clothing Style

Casual for their town. thin, flowy, lazy pirate wear

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does salem grey have?

loud, speaks at a fast pace, tilting his head, nose scrunching, lots of questions, big movements

Motivations - What motivates salem grey most?

a desire to be seen, freedom, love, & honor to his parents

Positive Traits

selfless but it goes wrong, he gives every piece of him til hes gone; honest, loyal, gentle, outgoing

Flaws - What flaws does salem grey have?

reckless, short tempered/impatient, to the point he loses people; sarcastic, cracks easily under pressure


sees good in people, strong in his passions, setting a mood,


gives too many chances, afraid to set boundaries

Prejudices - What prejudices does salem grey have?

sinces hes always been naturally outgoing & adventurous hes apathetic towards introverts, and often makes them uncomfortable. hes also been taught to dislike sirens due to stereotypes of being dangerous and liars, but curiosity & secret meetings grew him out of it


drowning & dissapointment; throws off everything he wants

Talents - What talents does salem grey have?

carving, sailing

Hobbies - What hobbies does salem grey have?

knife throwing, painting, sailing, drink tasting,

Personality type - What personality type is salem grey?






groups Social
Religion - What religion does salem grey practice?


Politics - What politics does salem grey have?


Occupation - What is salem grey’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is salem grey’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is salem grey’s favorite food?

crab & lemon

Favorite possession - What is salem grey’s favorite possession?

the necklace his mother gave him

Favorite weapon - What is salem grey’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is salem grey’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is salem grey’s birthday?


Education - What is salem grey’s level of education?

elementary, as thats all they have


his father was always angry, he gets his temper from him. Somehow he made arguments a lot, but he was considerate and generous so Salem didnt realize he was acting abnormal. It got worse when the news of his mom got back. Now theyre well, but evan grey is who he thought taught him of the sirens and where his prejudice came from; he didnt. It was actually ___ grey , but he pictures her out to be perfect (likely an effect of grief but idk if that can happen). He tries really hard to not let his anger show, never wanting to be seen the same way he viewed his father, but he does. Theyre so much more similar than he thinks and hates it, their most shared qualities is what makes him dislike his father at times.

Criminal Record

  • patricide maybe

  • aggravated assault

  • disturbing the peace

  • extortion

  • open container

  • underage drinking in other region

  • arson

  • theft

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does salem grey have?

none as of rn

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

since its fantasys magic exists, so subplot wise hes also searching for something that could make hesperus more human

salem grey appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Children link linked salem grey

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked salem grey

This character was created by toxinz on

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