info Overview
Name - What is Bazieu Gidiz’s full name?

Bazieu Gidiz

Role - What is Bazieu Gidiz’s role in your story?

Head of the Friars of the Fish

Other names - What other aliases does Bazieu Gidiz go by?

Father Baz

Gender - What is Bazieu Gidiz’s gender?


Age - How old is Bazieu Gidiz?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Bazieu Gidiz weigh?

175 lbs

Height - How tall is Bazieu Gidiz?


Hair Color - What color is Bazieu Gidiz’s hair?

salt and pepper

Hair Style - How does Bazieu Gidiz style their hair?

Short, straight

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Bazieu Gidiz have?


Eye Color - What is Bazieu Gidiz’s eye color?

Cloudy grey

Race - What is Bazieu Gidiz’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Bazieu Gidiz have?

Burgandy birthmark that covers his left earlobe and 3" down his neck.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Bazieu Gidiz have?

Uses his hands a lot when he talks.

Motivations - What motivates Bazieu Gidiz most?

Keeping balance in the ocean, peace among humans.

Flaws - What flaws does Bazieu Gidiz have?

He tends to rattle on and on when talking.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Bazieu Gidiz have?

Distrusts the military

Talents - What talents does Bazieu Gidiz have?

He is an excellent whittler. He makes all kinds of ocean life from driftwood for the kids.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Bazieu Gidiz have?

Whittling, storytime with kids

Personality type - What personality type is Bazieu Gidiz?

He is a happy man, gets along with almost everyone, loves kids, and loves being a mentor. Always has a story.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Bazieu Gidiz practice?


Politics - What politics does Bazieu Gidiz have?


Occupation - What is Bazieu Gidiz’s occupation?

Head Friar at The Sea Temple.

Favorite color - What is Bazieu Gidiz’s favorite color?

dark teal

Favorite food - What is Bazieu Gidiz’s favorite food?

Braised tuna with lemon and capers, roasted Brussel sprouts, and lemon tart.

Favorite possession - What is Bazieu Gidiz’s favorite possession?

A carving of a whale his grandfather made for him.

Favorite weapon - What is Bazieu Gidiz’s favorite weapon?

does not carry a weapon

Favorite animal - What is Bazieu Gidiz’s favorite animal?


Languages spoken

Job - What job does Bazieu Gidiz have?

runs the daily life of the friars

date_range History
Birthday - When is Bazieu Gidiz’s birthday?

16 days before spring equinox

Education - What is Bazieu Gidiz’s level of education?

He had a standard education in the fishing village of Merileva.

Background - What is Bazieu Gidiz’s background?

His father and grandfather were fishermen as well as his mother's mother. He grew up on the poor side of town along the ocean. He has 6 brothers and 2 sisters. He is the middle child. He decided to become a friar when he was 13 and joined when he was 19.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Group chevron_right Leaders link linked Bazieu Gidiz

This character was created by Hummingbird_Goat on

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