forum And for you I keep my legs apart. // OxO // OPEN
Started by @EtherealDreamer

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"Most kids never do," Maximus supplied with a smile. "When I was in middle school and my brother was younger, during the summer he'd wake me up at like six in the morning."


"I once told him to 'fuck off' and he told my mom," Maximus said, smiling lightly at the memory.
"That was back when he told our parents everything. Now he tells me everything instead."


" that's awesome. " He said, looking down at the table as he remembered some of the closer friends he had, then he remembered the things they'd done to him..
He shook his head slightly as he felt the phantom pain from the deep scars. He knew a few of the newer wounds weren't false pain and he'd have to take a Tylenol soon.


Maximus raised one eyebrow but didn't press.
"It's great sometimes, but other times, it isn't so great." He told Alastor.
He began to sketch a cherry blossom tree.


Maximus smiled uncomfortably and moved backwards, away from him.
"Don't call me that." He insisted and returned to his sketch.

"I'm starting to rethink my decision of going to homecoming with you." He stated, honestly. "That was a creepy move."


Alastor sighed " it was meant to be a pickup line, I'm sorry" he mumbled.
He could hear the brute honesty in maximus's voice, and now he just kept his mouth shut, looking in the opposite direction of the other.
He'd made his only.. friend? Date?.. whatever they were, uncomfy and it upset him. Maybe he should have just kept his mouth shut before that..


"It's okay," Maximus said honestly. "But just know, I'm not one for cheesy pickup lines, makes me feel awkward. How am I supposed to respond? With another pickup line? By saying no thanks? Being honest? It's just a situation I'd rather not be in."


" i- I didn't know.. but I'll try not to do it again" he said softly. Alastor sighed as the bell rang, standing up and grabbing his stuff. He'd already made enemy's with a jock this morning by accidentally bumping into him, now he had class with him..


"I don't think you will." Maximus said honestly. "It'll just get wet and then be useless."

He dug in his bag and pulled out his sketchbook, opening it on his lap.
"Plastic wrap won't keep it safe from the water, and the chlorine will sting once it gets in." He added, as an afterthought.