@Serenity88 group
I have googled some weird things, and so has my writer sister, so I'm just curious what else google has had to try to answer from us crazy bookworms!
I have googled some weird things, and so has my writer sister, so I'm just curious what else google has had to try to answer from us crazy bookworms!
me, I have just today googled "what do you call medieval fantasy FaceTime mirrors" bc I thought there was a word for the thing, but google couldn't help me.
Symptoms of appendicitis (I write hurt/comfort)
What is the average density of a gorilla?
What is the average strength of a coconut crab?
What is the highest G force a human body can withstand before becoming deformed?
What is the deepest depth we've found octopi at?
Algae based gel shells?
Necrotic bacteria brain control?
I write Sci-fi fantasy XD
I don't really know, but I have googled lots. Some of it probably offensive to lots of people. As I like to know what I'm writing about when it comes to my villians.
But some of what I've good is as follows:
How to build a potato battery
How many poi d's can I put on my head before my neck breaks?
Brain eating magic?
Sparkling vampires or overheated wolves?
How fast does a 135 pound human get eaten by insects?
Is it possible to use human brain tissue to power a robot?
How fast can bacteria spread through a population of heathy people?
Can you use sheets of paper to slice someone’s finger off?
Can you install artificial guilt in a robot?
Just some of the insane stuff I’ve had to research for my main WIP.
(ahem, ahem)
what do u call a hybrid of dragon, pikachu, and nezuko? (google did not give me any results sadly)
What is the most extensive genealogy written up to date about the phylogeny of snakes?
Is waffles and marshmallow cream a thing
Top weirdest things to say to your mom (yes, this is relevant to my writing, however unlikely it may seem!)
How many times can u bonk ur head on a potato before u die?
Symptoms of depression
Symptoms of stockholm syndrome
Top deadliest poisons and how they kill
I write dark fantasy so that probably explains some of the stuff i put here. at least i think it explains it.
Dude I study biochem and am a crime fiction writing enthusiast. I don't want to even know what kinda lists I'm on XD
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