im just making this chat for fun and for people to chill
its open to anyone just dont be rude :D
forces everyone to sit down and have a cup of jasmine tea in true Uncle Iroh spirit
im just making this chat for fun and for people to chill
its open to anyone just dont be rude :D
forces everyone to sit down and have a cup of jasmine tea in true Uncle Iroh spirit
i exist. im not happy about it.
gives you jasmine tea and looks you dead in the eyes tea makes things better. drink tea
drinks the tea im still not happy.
makes more tea sit down and have some more ✨calming jasmine tea✨
adds milk to my tea and pulls out a stuffie to cuddle i think maybe its kinda just a little helping
pats you on the head and puts blankets on you
tea is the key to happiness
gets more tea
gives you the secret tea pot
this never runs out of tea :D
steals the tea pot and runs away
we were meant to shareeeeee
comes back and shares
takes back pot
im hiding it for safekeeping
pouts fine
gives you another cup of tea
but you can still have tea
drinks tea
puts blankets on you
feeling better?
thank you
I exist with depression can i join here Types while literally crying IRL
hugs and gives tea
Of course! this is just a safe little space to calm down and have tea :D
Trying to stop crying Thanks takes tea and sips it
gives you blankets and hugs again
im here for you, k?
Thanks Elise you're awesome, but you can't help with what im dealing with rn
gives you more tea
i know, but i can atleast try and help calm you down, even if only temporarily :)
I really appreciate that sips tea
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