forum (OxO with Froosty)
Started by @Ewen_the_Eccentric

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Ah, yes. I've been expecting you.

Let me warn you: this may or may not be a little weird. And dark. But…

As the title above clearly states, I'm in a weird, sadistic mood, and I need an RP to appease myself. I don't have a particular plot in mind, but we can discuss that if you're still willing to stick around after you hear some of the random ideas I'm hoping to incorporate. If you get scared off before the end of this little rant— well, that means you're probably sane. If you're still here by the end of this post, then I'd be more than happy to have you. Let's get on with it then, shall we?

Please note that none of the things I'm wanting to do in this RP are things that I condone IRL, because I kinda wanna do something that's dark and twisted. Now, we're gonna keep it PG-13 here, okay? andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply. There's not gonna be vulgar language or sex scenes or extreme gore. But there's gonna be some really dark themes and some messed up stuff, so if you've got any triggers, please let me know in advance. I'll tone down my weirdness if you wanna join and you need me to. Just say the world.

Essentially, I'd like to torment some characters. I'm really in the mood for like, some kind of twisted obsessive relationship kinda thing— where it's honestly not even a relationship, because it's a one-sided thing. To make things more clear, my mood involves Character A, who is likely a kinky villain or other person of power who is, for whatever reason, very interested in Character B— not in a healthy way, of course, but a twisted, sadistic way. There won't be any sex scenes or anything vulgar, but I'm sure there will be references to sex and that Character A will make a lot of suggestive comments.

Look, I told you I was in a weird mood. You're the one who got brave enough to click on the thread link. You can still leave if you wanna. The back arrow is right there.

Anyway, as I was saying, I don't have a real plot or setting, so we can discuss what you like or how things come to be, but I'm in the mood for Character A somehow kidnapping B, keeping them captive for an extended period of time and essentially owning them. Treating them like a pet, I guess— and enjoying their suffering and humiliation for whatever twisted reason.

Am I making sense? If not, I'll try to reword it to where it's logical. And this doesn't have to be the whole RP, so like we can definitely rescue B, essentially kill A off if we want, or even make the roles get reversed later on and someone do the same thing to A for the irony of it all. We're not sold to anything for this, really. I just wanna do it.

The only requirements are the basic ones. PG-13. No strong language. No sex scenes. No slurs. No OP or Mary Sue characters. Etc, etc, etc. (I prefer no magic, too, if you don't mind, but powers are fine if we want.)

The biggest requirement? I wanna know if you have a character that you can actually adequately do this with, and I wanna know if you can play them right. Can you make this as oddly satisfying as it needs to be? If the answer is yes, hop aboard. I don't care if you take A or B, because I have ideas for both. Also, we can have more characters than this, and I do have some vague prompts in mind, so just… let me know you're interested, and we'll go from there.

Thanks for bothering to read this far. :) I'm hard to follow, especially when I'm tired and stupid, so you're a real goodie for being able to handle my stupidity and nonsense. Bless your soul.



It's really nice to meet another psychopa— I mean person willing to do this RP with me. Ahem.

You don't have any triggers or anything, right? Because even though I don't want any explicit content, I do expect this to be a little… idk. Dark I guess. But as long as that doesn't bother you and you can play the part, you're more than welcome here. :D

What kinda character do you wanna use for part B? I mean you're allowed to join regardless but I'm definitely a curious lil weirdo


The only trigger I have is like, things under fingernails? Like splinters and uh
Other stuff lol
I doubt that'll really come up though and I don't have any other things that bother me at all!
The main character I'm thinking of is actually a neko, if that's okay? He was the emotional support cat of another one of my characters and he got turned into a person, so he's very confused lol
He's been through the wringer but he's trying his best
I can technically just make him human but I feel like it would be harder to explain his personality in the roleplay aha
I could also use another character (who happens to actually be his owner), but I've been trying not to use my main ones as much anymore since they've got developed stories and such now :>


Well all I can imagine when someone says splinter is that one episode of SpongeBob where he gets the splinter in his thumb and it makes me wanna gouge my eyes out, so don't worry. I won't be going down any splintery roads.

Overall I think it would make more sense if you made him a human by default, but if it messes up his character then maybe we can find a way for it make more sense. I'm not sure if it would logically fit in or not, but then again, who cares about logic in the RP world?

Is he a confuzzled soft boi? A confuzzled soft boi would be nice.

If I'm A, my character is definitely gonna be… well, as I said above, a sadistic, kinky, mildly-psychotic, sociopathic weirdo that is obsessive but enjoys the pain and humiliation of others way too much.


He's very much a confuzzled story boi aha
He was very confuzzled when he found out he was gay
He doesn't understand anything romantic or sexual and he wants cuddles and attention pretty much all the time?
Can be a sort of platonic yandere for his owner? (Killed one of his abusive ex boyfriends)
I feel like it would be hard to explain his personality as a human unless he were incredibly sheltered, which I guess could be arranged lol
Maybe held in captivity?
Or the ears/tail are the result of some weird science experiment?
Bad science is fun aha
also trauma is good oops


Trauma is always good. Trauma is what I live for. Well, fictional trauma, that is.
It's up to you; whatever you think works best. Personally, I think all of it would be more degrading to his humanity if he were indeed a human, as someone who was actually a cat wouldn't really understand humanity enough to understand being degraded, but again— your choice.

What kind of setting do we want? And… how do these characters come in contact? Like, how do you imagine this whole thing going down, in your mind??


Maybe he's a human who was experimented on since he was born? So he's a human and understands that, but also hasn't experienced the outside world?
We can work out the kinks they're aha
Usually I go for a modernish setting since that's what I'm most familiar with, although this sounds like it might be a tad futuristic if we go with the experiment thing?
And maybe he escaped from wherever he's being held?
We could do something completely different though, to be honest
It's like 1:30 in the morning or something so my brain isn't quite at full function lol


Yea it's 1:30 here too so don't feel bad. I'm pretty dead. You're not alone.

It could be like a more subtle futuristic, to where the tech is advanced and stuff but overall society is fairly similar at least.

If you want we can discuss it more tomorrow. Would it help you at all if you saw my character first and knew what you were working with?


Sure! I'm fine to keep discussing now aha
I don't have a ton else to do at 1:30 in the morning
I'm still trying to decide exactly what I want Nix's backstory to be? Like, maybe he escaped a while ago so now he's more integrated in society? Like, still very confuzzled, but he's got more of a handle on actually existing


Imma be up for a little bit too so we might as well. :)

Hmmm… Whatever you think would make this more interesting. We'll need to find out how my character actually came to know who he was, and how they came to be obsessed with him. Not why, per se, because I'll come up with a reason (or they may not need a specific one), but how.


Yeah, true
He's probably been in hiding for a while if he already escaped
I'm not sure what your guy finds attractive, but hey, Nix (my character) is cute and probably mysterious at first
If he has the ears/tail (haven't decided for sure yet but probably will), he'll be hiding them, but maybe your guy catches a slip up and becomes infatuated with the fantasy? Especially since he seems to be into pet play and possibly grooming aha

Deleted user

(I’m just gonna quietly stalk this because this is the type of stuff I live for.)


Yeah, true
He's probably been in hiding for a while if he already escaped
I'm not sure what your guy finds attractive, but hey, Nix (my character) is cute and probably mysterious at first
If he has the ears/tail (haven't decided for sure yet but probably will), he'll be hiding them, but maybe your guy catches a slip up and becomes infatuated with the fantasy? Especially since he seems to be into pet play and possibly grooming aha

I like this suggestion.


Great! Here's a couple drawings of Nix so you can get a feel for what he looks like :> (he would probably be wearing a beanie or a hoodie or something to hide the ears, though)

Neither of these are fullbodies, so uh
He's 5'3 aha