forum ONLY A SITH DEAL IN ABSOLUTES // Star Wars Discussion
Started by @acis

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Hello There!
Yes, this is a discussion for all us nerds to chat about anything and everything Star Wars! This includes Fanon and Canon.

Also feel free to share your art and ocs!

Can I make discussion rules? Take these as strong suggestions.

  • This is a LGBTQ+ friendly place, both for fans and headcanons.
  • Discussing and sharing ships are fine as long as they are not between a minor and an adult, and no, aging up/aging down a character does not justify it.
  • Don't be rude to people if they like a certain trilogy, show, comic, book, etc related to Star Wars, vice versa.
  • Knowing a lot more about a universe does not make you better than anyone else. If someone likes the universe, they are a fan, no matter how much they know or understand it.
  • As for art and ocs, if someone doesn't ask for criticism, do not give them any.
  • This is SFW, want to discuss something NSFW? Y'all have dms. This may already be a rule actually


Acis Hot Takes:
Kryze? More like Cries
Firmus Piett deserves his own comic, or TV Show, nudge nudge push push
ManDadlorian - that ending nearly made me cry oh god
Maul - amazing
Boba Fett - god i love this man


Also I've recently learned some guy translated the originals into a Shakespearean play??? and now i want it


That's the creche master au isn't it? Or something similar? But yeah, it's super cool. And the thread just gets better lmao

Deleted user

there's a theory that states that Obi wan and Jar Jar Binks are siths.
… I'm probably HEAVILY paraphrasing, but Obi Wan says "Only a Sith deals in absolutes." (hehe title of chat.)
But that phrase itself is an absolute.

Here's the details that back the Darth Jar Jar theory.


@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I have one question tho. And it could be complete nonsense, but who decided that Palpatine was gonna be their baby daddy? And I have one person, but it's gonna be contested. I say Qu'ira. Like she was already working with Maul, and he obviously still knew Palpatine was still alive, so maybe Maul needed money or a ship or something and he rented Qu'ira out to Palpatine, and all of a sudden she gets pregnant with Palpatine's child, which then becomes Rey's father. I mean this was like a 1am thought but it made me think so, any ideas???

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Umm… have you seen Rise of Skywalker yet? Because if not I don’t want to spoil it for you… but it answers that question.

I own the movie. I know Rey's the grandaughter of Palpatine, and her father was the son of Palptine, but who had a child with Palpatine himself. It never stated who he had a child with. (Oof I just realized I said mother instead of father 😂 lemme fix that) and I know it says he's a failed clone, but several different novelization say Palpatine, (not Palpatine's father) had concubine. So he may be, or he may not be. There's just a bunch of gray space. And the fact that there's the recent news that the sequels may get removed from canon. But idk.