forum Dynamic RP with ya boi, Ewen. SMALL GROUP. OPENNN
Started by @Ewen_the_Eccentric

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  This may be an OxO or group; I am open to reboots if interested  

I am obsessed with character dynamics.
All character dynamics. Romance/Ship Dynamics, Friendship Dynamics, Family Dynamics, Enemy Dynamics— just about everything. I love the variety and seeing the way characters interact with one another. I just love it.
Unfortunately, I don't see a lot of Friendship Dynamics, and I see almost no Family Dynamics, and I'm craving all dynamics right about now— so let's do a really dynamic roleplay.

I'm looking for someone who doesn't mind playing a handful of characters. It doesn't have to be a whole crap ton of characters, and they don't all have to be present or active in each and every post, but I imagine this to be a pretty… idk… big-ish RP, so if you could have at least two or three characters, that'd be awesome. And you can have as many as you want as long as you don't overwhelm yourself.

We can come up with a plot, but what I'd like to do is a somewhat expansive RP, maybe about a family, but with other characters to interact with as well. Like say, for example, we might do a family of superheroes. Two parents, two kids. The kids have two friends they're trying to keep the secret from, but oh— turns out one of their friends is from a family of villains. (This isn't the plot; this is just me giving you an example of what I mean by there being a variety of character dynamics.)

You don't have to be super active, but if you can post at least 3 or 4 times a week, I'd appreciate it.

It's more important to me that your posts are engaging and decipherable than they are long. I do require a writing sample.

Please make all of your characters in-depth and interesting. You can develop them throughout the RP, just please don't make them flat and boring. Conversely, unless they're supposed to be, don't make them too random and ridiculous.

If you've RPed with me before, you know my rules. If not, I'll list them.

I can explain my idea better if it doesn't make sense. I basically just want a BIG RP with lotsa characters and lotsa interactions between them.


Pros to a group—

  • Larger Cast of Characters
  • More interactions

Cons to a group—

  • More dependency on each individual to be active
  • Risk of one person getting left behind

I'm sure there are more pros and cons but I'm eternally brain dead.


I think it's pretty simple

  • No cursing above a PG-13 level. The F word is a no. I prefer all cursing be blotted out with a @#$%, but if you feel the need to curse mildly it's allowed.
  • Explicit sex scenes won't be tolerated, but references to sex, innuendos, etc. are fine. References to dark themes are allowed (such as rape) but there won't be any scenes involving them. But if you want the characters to embrace or show affection in any way that isn't explicit, be my guest.
  • Romance is allowed, just keep the previous rule in mind. Under no circumstances will any sort of incest or pedophilia be allowed; that's just creepy.
  • Violence? Sure thing. Go for it.
  • Gore? As long as you're not going crazy with it, that's totally fine too. Blood doesn't scare me.
  • I prefer MxF ships generally but I wouldn't call this a rule so much as just a preference that isn't set in stone
  • Don't play other people's characters or be OP or a Mary Sue/Gary Stu
  • Ask questions and have fun

That's basically it. And if anyone else has rules or requests or anything, just lemme know and I'll respect your needs. Be sure to say if you have any triggers btw.


(So do you have no pref over group or OxO? I'm not sure what Dom prefers, so I'll wait until he gets back online to see what he wants to do, too, but if you wanna do a OxO I can make another thread for us. And if you have no pref then we'll see what Dom has to say.)


Nah I usually write in 3rd. I've only done one on here in 1st I think, and that was just because my RP partner was so I decided to join the theme.

And interacting with yourself can be awkward but it can also be easily avoided since I'm going to be intentionally interacting with your characters to prevent that. But if it happens occasionally it's not too bad.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So let’s see if anyone else shows up to join the fun. In the meanwhile we can think about plot. I’d like it to mostly take place in one place. No quest or anything. Then we have completely different focus.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Actually we can use something I have if you’re interested. It actually started as an RP here, but I got permission to use it in my writing. It’s called the Orange Juice Club. Kind of a chill place where a bunch of slightly misfit highschoolers interact and try to find a quiet moment.


I really like that idea a lot! I love misfit highschooler characters cuz I was one; now I'm a misfit college student.

Yes, I agree that happening in one place might make it easier— especially since we intend to try for a small group. Having a bunch of people in different places might get confusing.