forum Dynamic RP with @Tired-but-passionate
Started by @Ewen_the_Eccentric

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Your username is a mood.


Okay, so…

  1. What kind of plot do we want to do? Do you have any particular RP genres, themes, or tropes you would like to do?
  2. How many characters do you want?
  3. Are there any particular character dynamics you want to use?


Haha, thanks!

  1. What about steampunk? I think that would be pretty cool. I’m tempted to draw inspiration from this book I love called The Fog Diver, where there’s this group of orphaned kids trying to cure their adoptive grandmother’s illness. That book is a beautiful combination of steampunk and post-apocalypse and I want more of that haha
  2. Is 2-3 good?
  3. I’ve been craving platonic boy-girl relationships lately :p


  1. Yes.
  2. Yes!
  3. And yes.

I've never read The Fog Diver, but steampunk and post-apocalyptic stuff is both EPIC, so if you wanna do a post-apocalyptic, steampunk-ish world, I'm totally down.

I will probably do three characters total: 2 male and 1 female (I almost never do females so this is a miracle in itself). How do we want the characters to be setup? We'll have at least one platonic boy-girl relationship, as requested. Do we want any of the characters to be related to each other? Since we're gonna have 5-6 characters as our cast, there's a lot of room for dynamics. If we want a character or two to be antagonists at the beginning that'd be cool, too.


Ok, I’ll do 2 female and 1 male. Not entirely sure, but maybe 2 or 3 of them could be siblings/cousins, and 1 would be an older character. I was thinking it could be a sort of found family thing, where they start out in different places but they eventually come together.


I think that would be awesome. 2 of the characters are cousins, but the rest are all found family, like you said. They're not blood-relatives, but they might as well be because they look out and care for each other all the same.

Here's an idea of my characters' ages—
Male #1— Probably mid-thirties; 36-37ish
Male #2— Probably around 14 or 15
Female #1— Probably around 19 or 20



Do we want them to be together as a found-family at the beginning of the RP, or do we want them to be separate at the beginning and have the arc of them becoming a found family?


Alright, I like that. Here’s mine:
Female 1- late twenties, 27-28
Female 2- 14-15
Male 1- 15-16
I kinda want them to be separated in like, the first 3rd or 4th, then the majority is them being a found family.


Sounds great to me.

  Feel free to remove or add anything to this as you please.  

Facial Features—

Inventory: (tools, weapons, or gadgets that they carry regularly)


(School has been keeping me so busy I-)
Name: Victoria Birdwhistle
Age: 27
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Alignment: lawful good
Personality: ISFJ-
Build— 5’7, with an hourglass body
Skin— milky, with freckles
Facial Features— a small nose, thin lips, and big golden brown eyes.
Hair— gingery red, wavy and comes down to around her shoulder blades, with bangs, usually worn in a messy bun or half ponytail
Extra— pierced ears

Inventory: an old fashioned camera, notebook and pen, a milk bottle, a mystery novel, uhh can’t think of anything else rn lol I’m not practical like she is
Strengths/Skills: supportive and loyal, hardworking, observant, good practical skills, multitasker and planner, can give good advice, photography
Weaknesses/Fears: tends to repress her feelings, a little too selfless, procrastinator/ hospitals, most dark haired young men, losing her son, nightmares
Likes: swans and cats, pasta, the color green, reading, sewing, photography, peace and order, feeling productive, etc
Dislikes: alcohol, chaos, crowds, rats and bugs, creepy people, abrupt change, etc.


Name: Crow De Luca
Age: 15
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual
Alignment: chaotic good
Personality: ENFJ-
Build— 5’8, lanky and flat-chested
Skin— light olive
Facial Features— high cheekbones, thick lips, and dark narrow eyes
Hair— long, straight, and dark with a side part, occasionally worn in a braid

Inventory: a scrapbook, tea bags, an instrument that acts as a small mobile piano, pepper spray, does sarcasm count as a weapon?
Strengths/Skills: tolerant, reliable, charismatic, altruistic, a natural leader, good actor/ singer, peacemaker, can make good predictions about the future
Weaknesses/Fears: too idealistic, sensitive, and selfless, fluctuating self-esteem, struggles with hard decisions, perfectionist, holds grudges/ being alone, rejection, losing those she loves, losing her dignity, the future (in a way)
Likes: friends and family, peace and order, acting, singing, and playing the piano, dry or sarcastic humor, foxes, the color red, etc
Dislikes: her father, doing chores, seeing people do terrible things, being alone with her thoughts, dirty or smelly things/ places, etc


Name: Reed Darwin
Age: 16
Gender: male
Sexuality: ace/aro
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Personality: ENTP-
Build— 5’2, athletic, bean-pole body
Skin— medium brown
Facial Features— wide nose, full lips, prominent ears, and jade green eyes
Hair— ruffled and curly, dyed bright blue, but you can see the dark roots
Clothes— a little modern, but it’ll do. He wears it with a t-shirt in the factory.
Extra— he wants to paint his nails but doesn’t have the money

Inventory: the steampunk equivalent of a skateboard (whatever that looks like), matches, cans of spray paint. Since he isn’t allowed to have these things at the factory, you’ll also find him carrying around a hammer, wrench, or shovel
Strengths/Skills: Basically an amateur detective/ random genius and quick thinker, knows just how to get under someone’s skin, lying, proving he’s right, going with the flow but also having his own opinions and preferences
Weaknesses/Fears: Impulsive, insensitive, argumentative, keeps his true feelings hidden/ being controlled, being helpless, expressing his true feelings, dolls, ticking clocks
Likes: Listening to music, skateboarding, hanging with friends, debating, ramen and egg sandwiches, knowledge, the colors blue and yellow
Dislikes: being told what to do, being alone, hot weather, small children, too many emotions, mundanity, stupidity

(Don’t worry, they got backstories, I might edit later)