forum @Altrince (Closed OxO, but feel free to stalk)
Started by @Ewen_the_Eccentric

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I'm a pretty sadistic person, so I'd like to do something dark if that's okay with you. I love when my characters are utterly humiliated, so if that happens hooray. The only thing I ask is for language not to be vulgar and for no explicit sex scenes, but everything else is pretty much fine. Except pedophilia because that creeps me out. But anyway, I don't have any other triggers so lets go to town.

What are you in the mood for, my friend? I like lots of genres. Generally not magic but anything else, sci-fi or crime or anything. I like romantic subplots. Also up for any weird relationship dynamics or even twisted, not-so-good relationships that would be frowned upon IRL but are fun in the imaginary world. Idrc. I'm just rambling because that's all my brain knows how to do.

If we're looking for any particular character types I can give you a list of different character personalities I have ready and you can lemme know if you have any ideas that would go with it or something. If that makes any sense whatsoever. (I promise I'm more coherent with my RP posts; I'm just all a scattered boy)

@CasiCasino group

Ooooh, a dark genre lover like myself as well. I suppose we can do something pretty dark then?
I’ve been reading a lot of crime these days so something about criminals, unfair justice, and messed up plot lines are kind of my thing right now. I can work with anything so… meh?


sadistic chuckling

Okay. Great. I already love you.
Let's definitely use a screwed-up justice type theme and a lot of criminal stuff going on. I especially like kidnappings and related things. I like romance as a subplot but it does't have to be if we don't want it. Do we want just kind of a modern-day setting except with more rampant crime and a slightly askew justice system?

@CasiCasino group

Anything’s fine for me. I’ll let you decide. Just letting you know, although I will avoid aggressive and strong language, when I describe scenes which are explicitly gory, bloody, and triggering, I tend to go all out… unless you want me to lower down my levels?


As long as you're not being full-out vulgar, go ahead. Blood doesn't scare me. Torture doesn't scare me. Let knives be slowly twisted into people's still-breathing chests, let intestines be ripped out and scattered unceremoniously across a floor, let blood ooze out of people's various orifices. Doesn't bother me. My main triggers are explicit sexual content, vulgar cursing (like the f word) or like… cannibalism/eating blood. That makes me uncomfortable. But if that doesn't happen then I probably don't care.

@CasiCasino group

I like your style…
Alright then fellow sociopath! I suppose it would be better if you were to start?
Also, do we want templates ‘cause I don’t really need them?


We don't need templates. I'd just like a vague idea of what kinda plot we're gonna go for before we start, and maybe a vague idea for my character. Do we want romance? If so I prefer MxF but if no romance the genders won't matter. I can generally only play boy characters for some reason. I can play about any character type though. Flirty kinky sociopaths, murderous psychopaths, tsunderes, grumpy smart bois, overprotective sweetheart galoots, smol soft bois who need to be protecced, uhhh… just about anything.

If we're doing crime, maybe there are a bunch of criminal gangs in the city who are up to… a lot of bad stuff. Maybe there are two gangs? Imagine if they're rival gangs and each of our characters are different leaders or something lol. Just random spitballing.

And— thanks. My mind is darker than it should be and sometimes I worry about my own sanity, but it's fine.

@CasiCasino group

MxF? Rival gangs? Leaders of either?
I love it—

I can definitely play a female leader of a criminal gang, just sort of a madam sort of character who actually has a soft side or something like that? I genuinely want it so that she works in some sort of very gory gang because her father was the original leader or something?


sadistic chuckling intensifies

That sounds perfect to me. Maybe the gang she leads is known for mutilating the people who crosses them. Decapitating or dismembering them, only after torturing them in unspeakably brutal and humiliating ways. So they would be very feared.

I imagine the gang my dude leads has some pretty screwy ways for dealing with their enemies as well, but it's probably not nearly as gruesome as the rival gang (i.e., your gang). Like, I think most of the punishments and torture would have focus on mental/emotional/social pain rather than physical, although physical torture may be used additionally if that makes any sense. So both of the gangs are worth fearing, but the outcome of crossing either of them may vary.

Here are some things we'll want to determine:

  • Some vague ideas of our characters (which we are already beginning to realize)
  • What our gangs are famous for (also something we're already beginning to realize)
  • How we want to initially start our RP

Why is this all coming together so perfectly in my head already?

My character: I imagine him initially coming across as being charming, charismatic, sly, and very cool/collected. He's probably flirtatious and seems to have no fears or shame. Seems is the key word. All of this is the facade he has built to help him maintain his status as the leader of a dangerous gang. He's probably actually a pretty lonely, fearful, and easily embarrassed dude. I imagine he's incredibly good at hand-to-hand, though, and even better with a gun or long-distance weapon. :

@CasiCasino group

My girl will probably be a seemingly sadistic girl who like, carries around a bloody machete wherever she goes. She like, will threaten to kill people whenever they look at her. Wealthy, prideful, aggressive, but actually soft, a tsundere, and down to earth. I suppose we could have them fall for each other perhaps… because they see each other’s softer side?


Yeeee boy.

Ngl, I think he would be lowkey scared of her at first but try not to show it. But then he would realize maybe she's not gonna hack off his arm and beat him to death with it.

I feel like his gang, although brutal, focuses more on the intellectual side of crime rather than the brutal, bloody side. Don't get me wrong; they'll gladly torture someone who causes them a lot of problems, but I doubt they're into mass murders or anything like that. They probably specialize in carefully-planned mercenary work of sorts, such as dealing drugs, strategic kidnappings or hired assassinations, etc. I'd say they have a knack for technology, too, so there's probably a lot of hacking and weapons dealing that occurs, too.

The torture they inflict on traitorous agents or enemies is a mixture of psychological and physical. Any physical torture is probably mostly to break down the victim's psyche more than anything. They're probably into a lot of mind-control and brain-washing techniques. They like to humiliate their enemies and break them apart from the inside-out. I would say the gang is very big on using a variety of drugs (which will be fictional drugs I've made up tbh) to help them do their dirty work and put the victim in a compromised state.

@CasiCasino group

I don’t really have anything else I want to say before we start other than—
Should we start somewhere like a harbor or a darkened street where no one would go to on a daily basis and have the two meet? Just kind of, unexpectedly or something, idrk XD


What if there's a conspiracy within one or both of the gangs to get one or both of the gang leaders killed, so people within one or both of the gangs secretly organizes this in hopes that one or both of the gang leaders will die… except neither gang leader knows, and it doesn't go as planned anyway?
I'm just spitballing so feel free to shoot this idea down.

@CasiCasino group

I don’t really have anything in mind yet. If possible, I’d like you to start since… you know, you’re kind of the creator of the rp? XD



Most people had enough common sense not to go ambling down a vacant alley in the middle of the night, where danger lurked around every corner and the only witnesses were the shadows themselves— but Jessup Markus had no fear of the night. That was probably because, as the leader of one of the two largest crime gangs in the city, he practically owned the night. Or at least half of it.

For Jess, whether or not it was safe to wander down an eerie alley in the middle of the night wasn't really a question of common sense. He grew up on the streets; he'd already seen the darker side of things. Before officially becoming the leader of the gang known as the Elect, Jess had to scrounge to survive. There wasn't much down these dark streets that he hadn't already faced— now that he was such a prominent figure in the underworld, a lot of people respected and feared him.

On the other hand, a lot of people wanted him dead. A lot of people wanted him alive, too, and it was those people that really freaked him out. But he was armed with a bullet proof vest, a gun at his side, his hand-to-hand combat skills, and his good charm, so he wasn't too worried. Plus the bodyguards just down the block that could be called at the press of a button probably helped a lot.

He stopped on the corner, leaning against a brick wall covered in graffiti. The night was nearly silent, aside from the distant roar of an occasional car engine. Jess pulled a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket, placing the former loosely between his lips and lighting it. He wasn't sure how long he'd have to wait here for what his sources had informed him would be… oh, what did they say exactly? Ah, yes. "… A deal of a lifetime."

Jess wasn't quite sure what that entailed; his gang was known for a variety of things, but specifically the mercenary work and dealing of illegal drugs and weaponry. His men were stealthy and intelligent, many possessing incredible hand-to-hand combat skills, mechanical skills, or computer skills. The Elect had some of the best hackers in the country working for them. Not to mention assassins/hitmen, kidnappers, drug-dealers (and drug-makers), inventors, and more. Considering how much his group was constantly buying and selling, Jess always had his eye open for a new source of income.

He ran his fingers through his thick, chocolate-brown hair and blew a puff of smoke, watching it dissipate into the night air.

(lol I know this is horrible but I'm really tired so I apologize)

@CasiCasino group

(It’s hella good! What do you mean ‘horrible’?! >:O)


As she arrived where her men said was the ‘meeting point’, Sorsha rolled her eyes upon seeing who it was. Jessup of Elect, what a surprise. She sighed silently before she started to walk towards him.

She herself wasn’t from a small gang. After all, she was the current leader of the gang named Scarlet, arguably the deadliest group in the country because of how apathetic they’re known to be. With some thousand different victims of murder and some ten thousand more of physical harm, they’re known to be quite a group. However, behind the stern and aggressive exterior of the gang itself, its leader wasn’t quite… the same. Sure, she did kill some people with her own hands in her lifetime but she wasn’t one who enjoyed the killing that much. Once in a while? It was a treat. As a job though? Not her style. But of course, she couldn’t quite say that.

“Stop smoking, it’s gonna kill you someday, and I’d hate not seeing it,” she spoke with an unpleased tone, leaning on the wall beside Jess. She had her hands in her pocket and was ready to call on her troops if she felt that herself was in trouble.


((Ahah thanks! I thought it was heckin' bad XD))

Jess glanced up at her from beneath his dark eyelashes, pausing momentarily when he recognized who it was. He wondered if he could've been mistake but— no. It was clearly her.

To say that he was startled was an understatement, but he masked it beautifully with a half-smirk. "Mm, maybe. But the nicotine is relaxing. And… addictive." He languidly blew another puff of smoke into the air. "Besides, we're not promised tomorrow; might as well live a little while we can, yes?"

Sorsha was possibly the most dangerous person in the city, next to Jessup himself. Many would argue that she was more dangerous, since the gang she led, Scarlet, was known for nothing less that brutally murdering and mutilating their victims. Sure, the Elect were dangerous, but they were more likely to drug your brain, distort your memories, and drive you insane from torture rather than cut your toes off one by one before dismembering and/or disemboweling you altogether.

Jess was well aware of this.

@CasiCasino group

Being herself, Sorsha just rolled her eyes at the statement the other made. The real reason that she wanted him to stop smoking at least for now? She didn’t quite like the smell of smoke. Not at all. She wasn’t going to tell him though. Who knew what would happen if you annoy the leader of Elect a bit too much.

“So. Did anyone tell you anything? I heard from my men that it’s something about a deal? You got something for me or something like that?” She was full of questions and unnecessary emotions. She didn’t quite ask her men what they meant by ’One hell of a deal’. She sighed, looking around in case she would spot something to which, she didn’t.


(Well the only problem with that suggestion is that he doesn't yet have a motive to protect her.)

Jessup lazily shook some of the ashes from the end of his cigarette and glanced up at her, only his slightly furrowed brows adding any emotion to his expression. "Odd." He let out a sigh and straightened his shoulders. "My men told me a similar thing about you. I'm assuming you didn't bring anything interesting for me, then? How unfortunate." He didn't sound too disappointed, but rather proceeded to smoke as if nothing had happened.

@CasiCasino group

(True. True.)

Again, she rolled her eyes and got out the knife she had on herself to start fidgeting with it.
“The only thing I brought here that’s really interesting is my body and that’s way out of boundaries for your filthy touch,” she spoke with her usual cruel tone. However, it occurred to her that she actually wanted to feel Jess’ touch. Not here though. And definitely not now.
“Has anyone from your side contacted you since you’ve arrived yet?”


(… But later, yes :3)

Jess blew one last puff of smoke before he dropped his cigarette on the ground and crushed it beneath his boot. "Hm, hm, hm. And why would I tell you all of my secrets?" He smiled. "Oh, who am I kidding? My real secrets are so secret that no one even knows what they are. No, they haven't contacted me. The only men I'm in touch with at the moment are my body guards." He paused. "I bet the guys just wanted to get me out of my headquarters so that they could throw me a surprise party." His smile widened to a crooked grin. "Those tricky rascals." Though his tone was light, a flash of some dark, unexplainable emotion passed through his eyes. Distrust, perhaps? He knew something was up. Something was wrong here.

"You knew you were going to be meeting me, so it was rude of you to come here without bringing a single thing for me to play with—" His smirk teased that a dirty joke was on the tip of his mind, but he must've refrained it, because his smirk faded a bit and his tone grew a tad more serious. "Why did your men send you down here, love?" And why did his men send him down here.


((Secret truth: the men of each gang are just tryna hook their leaders up because they're lonely and won't download the online dating website like the guys keep recommending. Ok obviously JK but I just imagined a bunch of super tough, tattooed covered gang guys sitting around talking about how they need to get these two a love life and and I can't unsee it ))