forum Tropes we love, hate and tolerate (mostly relationship dynamics at this point😅)
Started by @Serenity88 group

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@Serenity88 group

I like looking on The Pinterest for 'character tropes' and 'ship tropes' and 'character dynamics', things like that.
SOOOOO I figure there are probably others who like that too. Here, we talk about tropes, discuss tropes, and make up character dynamics, and everything in between.

@Serenity88 group

here are some starters…

I also like the ones that are little sketches showing the characters, but I coudllnt find any atm.

@Null-Gravity language

Being the respectably dressed (read: cyberpunk emo dressed) young lady I am, I have a lot of the Shirt. (Though I find myself extremely self conscious when I wear it because. . . well, the "sleeves" and a good portion of the main part of the shirt Do Not Exist and that's more skin on my chest than I want to expose to the public. Especially considering I am, as they say, a well endowed lady.)

@Null-Gravity language

In other news, whenever a character has wildly expressive hair that kinda just exists usually until some specific emotion causes their powers to run rampant and their hair kinda just fwoop and starts floating while they go batshit insane because "You hurt the one thing I had left" and then they enter a state of absolute badassery in which they tear through a city just absolutely decimating whatever poor, unfortunate villain decided to fuck around and didn't think they would ever hit the find out part of the equation I just augh-

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Being the respectably dressed (read: cyberpunk emo dressed) young lady I am, I have a lot of the Shirt. (Though I find myself extremely self conscious when I wear it because. . . well, the "sleeves" and a good portion of the main part of the shirt Do Not Exist and that's more skin on my chest than I want to expose to the public. Especially considering I am, as they say, a well endowed lady.)

Steals your wardrobe That’s extremely understandable tbh. Personally I can’t stand sleeves so it’s perfect for me, but as the shirt is a rather stretchy fabric meant to cling to. . . everything, it’s not the best shirt to wear if you don’t want to show off. Though the ones with turtlenecks do help. Plus, if I do say so myself, they look good with leather jackets.

@Null-Gravity language

Being the respectably dressed (read: cyberpunk emo dressed) young lady I am, I have a lot of the Shirt. (Though I find myself extremely self conscious when I wear it because. . . well, the "sleeves" and a good portion of the main part of the shirt Do Not Exist and that's more skin on my chest than I want to expose to the public. Especially considering I am, as they say, a well endowed lady.)

Steals your wardrobe That’s extremely understandable tbh. Personally I can’t stand sleeves so it’s perfect for me, but as the shirt is a rather stretchy fabric meant to cling to. . . everything, it’s not the best shirt to wear if you don’t want to show off. Though the ones with turtlenecks do help. Plus, if I do say so myself, they look good with leather jackets.

I screech in mock offense but whisper "Go to Hot Topic, Spencers, Amazon. . . go, my child. . . and find your true power. . ."

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Being the respectably dressed (read: cyberpunk emo dressed) young lady I am, I have a lot of the Shirt. (Though I find myself extremely self conscious when I wear it because. . . well, the "sleeves" and a good portion of the main part of the shirt Do Not Exist and that's more skin on my chest than I want to expose to the public. Especially considering I am, as they say, a well endowed lady.)

Steals your wardrobe That’s extremely understandable tbh. Personally I can’t stand sleeves so it’s perfect for me, but as the shirt is a rather stretchy fabric meant to cling to. . . everything, it’s not the best shirt to wear if you don’t want to show off. Though the ones with turtlenecks do help. Plus, if I do say so myself, they look good with leather jackets.

I screech in mock offense but whisper "Go to Hot Topic, Spencers, Amazon. . . go, my child. . . and find your true power. . ."

I found mine at TJ Maxx 😌
As someone who’s mother is afraid of Hot Topic and Spencers, Amazon has been my lifesaver.

@Null-Gravity language

Being the respectably dressed (read: cyberpunk emo dressed) young lady I am, I have a lot of the Shirt. (Though I find myself extremely self conscious when I wear it because. . . well, the "sleeves" and a good portion of the main part of the shirt Do Not Exist and that's more skin on my chest than I want to expose to the public. Especially considering I am, as they say, a well endowed lady.)

Steals your wardrobe That’s extremely understandable tbh. Personally I can’t stand sleeves so it’s perfect for me, but as the shirt is a rather stretchy fabric meant to cling to. . . everything, it’s not the best shirt to wear if you don’t want to show off. Though the ones with turtlenecks do help. Plus, if I do say so myself, they look good with leather jackets.

I screech in mock offense but whisper "Go to Hot Topic, Spencers, Amazon. . . go, my child. . . and find your true power. . ."

I found mine at TJ Maxx 😌
As someone who’s mother is afraid of Hot Topic and Spencers, Amazon has been my lifesaver.

I am legitimately not sure if I have ever stepped foot into a TJ Maxx.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Anywho! I should probably put something here that adheres to the topic at hand.

I really like the concept of “These two characters are soulmates across every universe.” No matter what, they end up together (for better or for worse, if you get me to rant about a couple of my own characters.)

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Being the respectably dressed (read: cyberpunk emo dressed) young lady I am, I have a lot of the Shirt. (Though I find myself extremely self conscious when I wear it because. . . well, the "sleeves" and a good portion of the main part of the shirt Do Not Exist and that's more skin on my chest than I want to expose to the public. Especially considering I am, as they say, a well endowed lady.)

Steals your wardrobe That’s extremely understandable tbh. Personally I can’t stand sleeves so it’s perfect for me, but as the shirt is a rather stretchy fabric meant to cling to. . . everything, it’s not the best shirt to wear if you don’t want to show off. Though the ones with turtlenecks do help. Plus, if I do say so myself, they look good with leather jackets.

I screech in mock offense but whisper "Go to Hot Topic, Spencers, Amazon. . . go, my child. . . and find your true power. . ."

I found mine at TJ Maxx 😌
As someone who’s mother is afraid of Hot Topic and Spencers, Amazon has been my lifesaver.

I am legitimately not sure if I have ever stepped foot into a TJ Maxx.

Understandable. Ross is better (and cheaper)

@the-void-phantasmic language

Anywho! I should probably put something here that adheres to the topic at hand.

I really like the concept of “These two characters are soulmates across every universe.” No matter what, they end up together (for better or for worse, if you get me to rant about a couple of my own characters.)

Ooo yes yes

@Null-Gravity language

Anywho! I should probably put something here that adheres to the topic at hand.

I really like the concept of “These two characters are soulmates across every universe.” No matter what, they end up together (for better or for worse, if you get me to rant about a couple of my own characters.)

Y e s. Agreed and understood, Miss.

@larcenistarsonist group

some personal favorites of mine

  • we are soulmates but there is no romance here. our Fates are tangled. our lives depend on each other. we are on opposite sides and only one of us will live to tell the world about it
  • always a fucking sucker for a messy parent/kid relationship where the parent really is trying, but they're both been hurt so bad they don't know if this relationship can be redeemed (it can)
  • the loyal dog with tears in their eyes as they fight who used to be a friend. they go down with their master whether they like it or not.
  • when anger sends a character on a rampage and at the end of it, they collapse from exhaustion or their wounds. they don't get up.
  • always love a good descent to madness

@Serenity88 group

ho-ly shit I leave for like three hours expecting this to be dead, come back to this?? mom im famous
hang on guys I have more images for this, went hunting for them.

@larcenistarsonist group

one that I low-key HATE is the uwu small bean and the big buff scary guy. it can be done correctly in some instances but it's always boiled down to "I'm so tiny and scared" and "I'm big and strong and will protect you".

AND I ALSO HATE WHEN SHIPS GET STEREKED. like two men of similar build and strength but one of them get smolified and femboyed because they're the sunnier of the two and the other becomes Big Hulk Manly Man Who Benchpresses Sixhundred And Fifty Eight Pounds An Hour

@HighPockets group

one that I low-key HATE is the uwu small bean and the big buff scary guy. it can be done correctly in some instances but it's always boiled down to "I'm so tiny and scared" and "I'm big and strong and will protect you".

AND I ALSO HATE WHEN SHIPS GET STEREKED. like two men of similar build and strength but one of them get smolified and femboyed because they're the sunnier of the two and the other becomes Big Hulk Manly Man Who Benchpresses Sixhundred And Fifty Eight Pounds An Hour

Oh my GOD the first of the two is in SO MANY recent m/f romance novels and I haaate itttt. It feels super infantilizing for the woman (bc it's always the woman who's shorter in this type of novel) and so often it's paired with an age gap and/or a power imbalance and it just feels…icky when combined with those.