forum Killing game
Started by @Zerothemimikyu local_movies

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@Zerothemimikyu local_movies

2,000 words! Teddie has now been introduced! It may not be the best possible introduction, but sometimes when writing fics, you got to put on sunglasses and write the best you can.

@Zerothemimikyu local_movies

I started porting the prologue into an AO3 draft, meaning we are closing in on a release in November (hopefully). I have started to draw the
5 CGs that don't have artwork for it already covered by official artwork and/or artwork by fans more talented than me.
The Bear and Two Cats,( The Voids Greatest Weakness ( and Mascots Of The Comically Wide Table ( are all going to be drawn in a collab artisite, Magma, mainly because I'm bad at drawing depth and having backgrounds and stuff. So it would be nice if you helped, even just a bit.
The fourth and fifth CGs are under wraps, because we haven't gotten to them yet. But I will say that one of them will appear at the end, with all 20 Mascots looking that eachother in distrust (Working Title: Distrust! (At the Killing Game). Yes, it's a Panic! (At the Disco) reference.)
And the other is appearing soon(ish), that being (Best Girl) Otome bringing in the food, and there's a imaginary halo on top of her because I said so. And maybe imaginary angel wings on her back too. Spider-Ham and Rocket will be at her sides helping her carry the food. (Working Title: Here comes the food (and best girl). Why are you giving me that look? I'm not "down bad", whatever that means.)
And with that, I think I said everything I needed to. This is longer than usual, huh? Guess I had a lot to say.
Anyway, Happy Halloween! (I know it's early, but hey)

@Zerothemimikyu local_movies

So, Good News and Bad News.
The Good News is that I got all of the CGs I need done (by drawing it myself, lol)
The Bad News is that I don't think I'll make the November deadline. So I'm bumping it to earlyish December.