forum Psychological Horror Rp (Closed)
Started by @Zoe-the-GM

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So, we're going to do something a bit different because I just need to practice something with someone. I will pretty much be the game master, narrate, and control your environment, you will be whoever you want. I'd prefer to try this with one person, but I'm okay with a group too.


"Warning! This rp may be too intense for some people if I am successful with my writting skills."
It will include nerve racking content, violence, and I may or may not mess with your emotions.


No, you may not know the plot, that remains a mystery for now, but I will tell you that this is a modern, psychological horror roleplay.


Interested? Good, now just send me your OC link.
(Please make sure to add your character's fears, flaws, dislikes, and other weaknesses. It'll also be cool if you give your character a disorder or two, and some plot holes, but that's up to you. The more detail the better.)


And last but not least, please answer these questions honesty:
  1. Are you easily frightened?

  2. What are your triggers? What would you like me to avoid?

  3. What are some things that you would like in this rp? (Romance, gore, maybe some pizza?)

  4. What is your literacy? (Highly recommend for non experienced, illiterate, and semi lit roleplayers, as long as you don't mind reading a lot.)

  5. Are you okay with me controlling everything? Other then your OC ofc.

  6. Realistic or anime?

@Aizawa-Sensei group

  1. No, I am not easily frightened.

  2. The only things that I would specifically ask to avoid would be demonic content or explicit sexual content. Otherwise I can handle violence, gore, and dark themes.

  3. Definitely pizza. But honestly gore, pain, psychological stress, and as much sadistic misery as you can possibly dish out is cool too. Romance is great as well albeit not necessary.

  4. I consider myself to be pretty literate.

  5. Yes; except for my OC, feel free to take the reigns.

  6. Honestly I'm cool either way; whichever you prefer.


It's 3 AM here, so is it alright if I send a character link tomorrow? I am interested though!

Same. And yeah, I'm okay with that.


(If you're ever interested in doing another one of these, I would absolutely LOVE to.)

(I can do a second one :)