forum I know I'm stupid but I need another RP.
Started by @Ewen_the_Eccentric

people_alt 53 followers


(Does she work?)

~Must Fill out~
First Name: Kayla (Kay, Lya)
Middle Name: N/A
Last Name: Mansu (Man-so)
Hero Name: She likes to go by Outage, called such by news reporters, police, etc. But most of the villains she faces typically give her different nicknames. She doesn't usually mind.
Age: 17 (Turning eighteen at the end of the school year)
Gender: Female S/H
Species: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Power: Power Charging: She has large power charges that can be used as bolts of lightning, or cause blackouts by over-charging systems.
Personality: Kayla is quite confident. She might even be considered cocky, with the amount of high confidence she has. Though she's mature about it. She knowns when to keep her mouth shut, and when she should speak. But on occasion, she'll let something slip out. Sometimes she's considered rude, when she delivers a snippy or sarcastic comment. But on most occasions she's really laid-back, and chillaxed. She's calm and collected, but also knowns how to be adventurous and have a good time.
Hair: Kayla has white-blonde, on the shorter side. It's pretty wavy, messy and not easily tamed. Even when pulled back, it's still a mess.
Face: She has an oval shaped face, with soft/bubbly features. Yet she looks rather adult-ish, despite her features. It also helps when she let's her face settle into a smirk, or poker face. Her eyes are wide, and a deep brown.
Body: She's about 5'10'', with an unidentified body shape. Though if you were to guess, it would probably be an inverted triangle. She's well muscled, but not completely ripped by any means. She's 135 pounds, with little curve on her figure. Definitely a more flat figure.
Clothing: Super loose, or tomboy clothes. She wears casual dresses with loose flannel shirts. Band t-shirts, loose shorts, and jeans are also in her wardrobe.
Suit: (A basic idea.) She wears a black, form fitting suit, with body armor underneath. She can't fly, so she has flats on for shoes, and everything else is a rather flexible fabric. She also has a black mask, with dark blue, metallic trimming to keep her identity a secret.
Links: N/A
Likes: Skateboarding, Sleep, Open Areas, Farm Land
Dislikes: Coffee, ballet, classical music, "nerd conventions" (comic conventions, or other similar events.)
Hobbies/Talents: Soft ball and track, interior decor, archery, golf, and computer coding
Weakness: Her emotions. She doesn't see them as something that would weaken her, but they definitely do. They're too loose, and hard to interpret. Which quite frankly causes problems relationship wise. Yet they can be controlled by other people really easily.
Strength: Acrobatics are definitely in her strong suits. She's super flexible, both physically and mentally. She can easily adapt to her situations, quick on her toes.
Family: She has three sisters: Penny, Olivia, and Francine. Her mother is re-married after an unfortunate accident where her father died a few years back. Her parents are: Harriet Becken and Mitchel Princeton.


~Must Fill out~

First Name: Cassidy "Cass"

Middle Name: Emil

Last Name: Wesley

Hero/Villain Name: He's had several over the years, including Contagion, Toxin, and Decay, but he currently goes by Plague. He doesn't like his real name because most people assume Cassidy is a girl.

Age: 18 years old, but he'll exaggerate himself to be older if he can.

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Alignment: I can't say for sure, honestly, because he hasn't developed enough.

Power: He has the ability to infect people with a fatal illness simply by making physical contact with them. In fact, he has no control over it— meaning that, as of right now, he can't touch anyone without causing them harm. The deadliness of the sickness varies according to how long he touches them and whether or not he's trying to transfer the illness to them. Generally, the infected will begin to see their veins turn black beneath their skin— starting at the point where he touched them— and spread throughout their body. They may feel nauseated, get headaches, and even see hallucinations. The infection causes extreme internal pain and will also amplify the senses for the worst. Survival is possible if they are only mildly infected, but severe cases mean certain death unless medical attention is given immediately.

Personality: Um… I have a vague idea, but is it alright if I let it develop more throughout the RP? He comes across as a bit arrogant at times, but he's the opposite because his self-esteem is trash. He's an extrovert, but he doesn't really have friends, so he's kinda lonely. Way nicer than you'd think, or than he'd want you to think.

Hair: Thick, black hair. It's wavy when he lets it grow long enough, and currently it is long enough (generally pulled back in a short man ponytail), but he's debating on shaving it short.
Face: Large, grey eyes; dark, long eyelashes; prominent jawline, but not overly-sharp masculine features.
Body: He stands at about 5'11, with broad shoulders and a much narrower waist. He's kind of on the skinnier side, though, with a little bit of lean muscle but still a bit of softness as well. His skin is deathly pale and he's kind of self-conscious about it.
Clothing: He wears loose, comfortable clothing. When he's alone or not currently preoccupied with villainy, he wears oversized hoodies and sweatpants or dark flannel shirts. He actually wears glasses, too, though he opts for contacts when he's in his suit because he thinks glasses make him seem less threatening and it irks him.
Suit: He tends to wear jet back clothes that camouflage him in the night; he covers as much skin as possible, even going as far as to wear black gloves (that are, however, easy to remove) and a mask that covers the lower half of his face. He has a lot of technology he uses to aid him, too.
Links: N/A

Likes: The dark. Knives. Rainy nights. Cookies. Hedgehogs.
Dislikes: Bright lights. Needles. Sunny days. Authority figures. Himself.
Hobbies/Talents: Throwing knives. Being stealthy.
Weaknesses: Fear of needles.
Strengths: He has a lot of fighting skills, especially in hand-to-hand. Skilled with tech and gadgets and whatnot.
Family: Undetermined?

Sorry; it's sloppy. Like my whole life.


(Lol, I feel that.)
(I’m guessing we’re ready to start? If so, I don’t mind starting, but it’s gonna have to wait until tomorrow, it’s quite later where I am. I also think the power might go out, so I definitely want to wait until the storm has passed. But if you want to start, that’s cool too.)
(Or do we want to work on the plot more?)


((Up to you!! If you wanna start that'd be great, but no rush. Just whenever you can. If we wanna develop the plot more before we go, we can do that too, or we can just wing it. Either works.))


((Honestly, I’m not exactly sure what else we could develop, aha. So I might go ahead and start. I’ll just need a little bit of time to get it up :P))


((Before I start anything, I'm guessing we'll want to start right when Kayla comes to stop Cass, before having a mental breakdown?))


(Alright, let me know if this doesn't work for you.)

The soft drizzle of rain hit the foggy streets, a slight glow reflecting from the street lights. The power was flickering in the surrounding area, wind blowing heavily. The wind-chilled, March night was quite unpleasant to be in, but quite gorgeous from the warmth of your own home. The night hours were bleeding into early morning, half past two o'clock.
Kayla groaned heavily, knowing there was no point in trying to be quiet. She was a sitting duck, on the roof top of an apartment complex. Her backpack sat there, getting soaked by the rain; the same happening to her.

She had been attempting to do homework while she was on patrol. But with the rain, she had to pack it up. Now she sat, shaking from the wind hitting her back. Wet, exhausted, freezing, and miserable. That's what she was feeling right now. How she wished she could be curled up in bed, over sitting here, waiting for something to happen. She had already lost part of the day to work. Even as a hero, she still had to earn money somehow.
Leaving little to no time to do her regular duties as a high-school senior. Her homework, and test-prep was only piling up the longer she procrastinated. But what choice did she really have? She was one of the very rare few who had a super-natural ability.

With a heavy sigh, she pulled her hair up into a pony-tail to get it out of her face. With her hair out of the way, she reached in her back pocket and pulled out a fabric mask to go over her face.
Running her thumbs over it, she pressed it to her face, pushing up off the edge. She had been out here long enough. Nothing was happening. Maybe she could get a couple hours of sleep in before school tomorrow.
And that's when she heard it.

Her dreams of sleeping dwindled away at the sound of an alarm blaring in the distance. Of course, nothing for hours, and now villainy struck. Evil never sleeps was definitely an accurate term. It also led to justice never sleeping.
Kayla mumbled and grumbled, kicking her backpack under an air duct to keep it hidden. Mumbling, she leapt up to pull herself up onto the next building, starting to wake up at the sudden amount of activity. She couldn't let herself start to slip while fighting whoever this was. She already had enough on her mind, she didn't want an escaped lunatic haunting her thoughts and dreams for the next couple of weeks.