forum Fantasy poly couple anyone?
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Ori snickered. "We know, sweetling, we're just ignoring you. You quite literally kicked me out. I've got every right to be a bit rude about it."


"Well stop complaining and love me!" Fen rolled his eyes at Archer's whining and turned to plant a soft kiss on his cheek which immediately turned the bard silent and a blushing mess.


Ori leaned over Fen's chest to press a kiss to Archer's other cheek, curling up with their healer a moment later. "You're such a brat, Archer, honestly."


Ori laughed again and ruffled Archer's hair. "I dunno honey, that sounds like something a brat would say."


"And I'll help him. It's two against one Archer, you'd better watch your words of you'll end up on the floor."


"I'm more scared of Fen than you so I think that's saying something." "Archer." "Yes honey?" "I'm giving you two options. Either shush and go get breakfast or keep running your mouth and I'll tape it shut."


Ori watched them both bicker with a small smile, curling up against Fen's back again. "Thanks for defending my honor, sweetheart! Get pancakes for me, won't you Archer?"


Ori gave him a smile and a playful wave as he made his way out, pressing a little closer to Fen. "Thank you, darling~"


(hey I'm gonna be really busy tonight and this weekend, I'll probably be offline for the next couple days! I'll get a reply up on monday)


Ori was quick to cuddle up by Fen's side as he scooted over, letting himself uncurl slightly now that there was space in the bed. "How long do you think it'll be before he gets back?"


Ori laughed with him, leaning in to peck Fen on the cheek with a soft smile. "Mm, yeah. Think he'll even remember to bring breakfast up?"


Ori laughed again, tucking his face against Fen's shoulder. "Mm, I take it the wandering happens everywhere then, not just the forrest."


Ori rolled his eyes, but his voice still came out fond. "Oh yes, because I haven't been doing that already."


"Yes but now you're stuck with us. By your choice. Before you could leave at any time. Now you can't leave without breaking a couple hearts."


"I'd have broken my own heart if I left," he teased, giving Fen a sappy smile. "So I guess I was just stuck this way from the start, wasn't I?"