forum Fantasy poly couple anyone?
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"Couldn't be happier! Well, that's a lie. I'd be happier if it didn't put Fen's life at risk but if he wants to go through with it then I can't really stop him." Archer shrugged as he squeezed Ori's hand.


Ori gave his hand a soft squeeze in return, leaning over to kiss Archer on the cheek. "That's true, I just wish they'd tell us a little more about what's happening. I hate being in the dark like this, it really stresses me out."


Ori huffed, pressing a little closer to his boyfriend. "It's stupid that they don't tell us what we need to know. You'd think they'd be a little more considerate, at the very least."


"Ori, even if something goes wrong, Fen will be fine. You don't know him like I do. He'll be alright. Have a little faith, okay?" Archer smiled softly before looking ahead.


Ori winced slightly, leaning into Archer a little more than he had before. "I know logically that he's okay, I just… I don't like putting him in danger. It feels really wrong."


Ori didn't like it, but he knew nothing they did would change what was happening. "Alright. Let's go help Xachia then, may as well get as much of this over with as we can."


"And besides, doesn't playing dress up with Fen sound like fun? I know he'll be for someone else's ideals but we can at least try to find a little bit of positivity in it, right?" Archer laughed, squeezing Ori's hand.


Ori squeezed his hand back, offering a small smile in return. "At the very least, it'll be fun to watch him put on something fancy. I think he's been wearing those sam beat up trousers for as long as I've known you guys."


"I'm excited to see him out of that cape. He rarely ever takes it off. You should see him in blue. He looks absolutely gorgeous." Archer sighed dreamily, remembering the last time he and Fen had to dress up fancy for something.


Ori couldn't help but smile at the mental image, though it was hard to picture Fen dressed in anything but the same clothes he always wore. "Oh I bet. I wanna see them brush his hair out, he never styles it."


"He never has the time to. Maybe finally he'll get a proper shower and they can style and fix him up into the true flower he is. If only that flower was staying with us for the night."


"Yeah." Ori glanced ahead at Fen, biting the inside of his cheek. "Who knows, maybe they'll let him slip away so we can get a good look at him."


"Maybe so but you've gotta think positive. If you keep believing that Fen is gonna die, he will. And then what will we do? So stop it." Archer poked Ori's cheek with a pout.


Ori batted his fingers away playfully, a small smile on his face. "I know, I know, I just can't help it. I don't know how you keep from worrying all the time, it's incredible."


"I do worry, Ori. I'm always worrying about you two. But I know that if I spend all my time worrying, I'll never have the time to have fun while you're still here."


"Well it's not like we're going to stop existing at the drop of a hat." He gave Archer's hand a soft squeeze. "You're allowed to fuss over us a little bit. God knows we need it more often than not."


"I know, I know but for a lot of people my little bit is their too much. I never want my personality to cause people stress." Archer frowned, his shoulders slumping in guilt and sadness.


"That's bullshit, sweetheart." He pulled Alex a little closer to his side, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "You're wonderful, I don't think I'll ever get enough of you. There's no such thing as too much with you, it's always just right."


Ori laughed. "I'm sure Fen thinks so too, I don't think there'll ever be a time when he's not disgustingly in love with you."