@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group
Need some advice or tips that are most certainly subpar? Look no further! I can help with choosing a product, application tips, looks for different outfits or occasions. Hope this helps someone!
Need some advice or tips that are most certainly subpar? Look no further! I can help with choosing a product, application tips, looks for different outfits or occasions. Hope this helps someone!
hey!! i have this outfit–light wash jeans, one of those walmart grommet belts, and various colored tank tops depending on over shirt choices–and was wondering what kind of makeup looks might match it!
Hmm, I'm thinking a pastel eye look with winged liner and a bold lip. The exact color for the eyeshadow would probably depend of the shirt color you choose. Hope I could help! Your advice is the best, so I hope mine could be even half as useful.
oh i love pastels! i do not not love applying eyeliner bcs it hates me but that's a very good idea! thank you!! i might do a pastel pink with a green shirt
any tips on not getting streaky eyeliner? my hands get twitchy sometimes so usually my eyeliner ends up not going where it should
m o o d
use a knife
definitely thought about it lol but ~shaky hands~
fjdfh dw i was only kidding. i mean, i've done it before. but definitely not safe if you aren't confident. besides, this is jupiter's thread for advice, not mine lmao
lmao yeah i figured. i have a fancy blade collection so the idea's crossed my mind
I'm so sorry, I have literally zero advice for that bc I do it too :') I avoid all my problems by running away from them, so I just usually don't wear eyeliner. I would say to maybe use some sort of straight edge (I mean, a knife would work but I don't really recommend). I saw something once about making some sort of template with a connect-the-dots-type thing, like you make some points and then connect them and fill it in. Haven't actually tried that yet, though I've been meaning to. Hope I wasn't completely useless!
this is so helpful im totally going to look up the connect the dots thing thanks so much!
I don't wear makeup and don't really plan to, but can someone explain to me how to tell if I have a cold or warm skin tone? And what I can do with that information once I figure it out?
any tips on not getting streaky eyeliner? my hands get twitchy sometimes so usually my eyeliner ends up not going where it should
use the edge of a piece of paper? or a small piece of tape if you're not confident you'll be able to hold the paper still? i dunno, that's what works for me when i'm a bit shaky
any tips on not getting streaky eyeliner? my hands get twitchy sometimes so usually my eyeliner ends up not going where it should
use the edge of a piece of paper? or a small piece of tape if you're not confident you'll be able to hold the paper still? i dunno, that's what works for me when i'm a bit shaky
that's what I do, if you use a powdered eyeliner (idk what its actually called but I got some) you can also cut out templates
Any recommendations for me in general? I have a really pale skin tone, dark brown hair (almost black), and icy blue eyes that look silver sometimes. I usually wear greys, blues, blacks, and reds.
I'm just looking to try out some makeup y'know. I already wear mascara so yeah.
This is completely random but something possessed me to narrate my makeup routine in the voice of Lil Gideon (from Gravity Falls) today. Please don't imagine about fifteen minutes of "and here we have a little ol' Revlon Colorstay Eyeliner in Brown, woowee!"
For MJ, I would recommend more cool-toned stuff, somewhat similar to the colors that you normally wear. Cool browns, blues, that sort of thing. Just experiment and find what looks good on you and makes you feel confident! :)
if it's okay to add, i think metallics and smoky eyes might look really pretty too! still in that cool tone that jupiter suggested, and it sounds like they'll match the vibe
Of course, anyone feel free to add if you've got any wisdom of your own! I totally agree with Crocs, those both sound like they'd work great :)
ooh i feel bad for asking multiple questions but do you have any recommendations for me? i have green eyes and blond hair although it's more of a light brown in the winter. my skin is super pale rn but it gets pretty tan in the summer too
Aaaahhh I'm so sorry for just getting back to you! My mom took my computer bc I was sucking at focusing on schoolwork :/
But anyway, I would say that both cool and warm tones could work on you. Maybe neutrals with a little pop of color here and there. My general standard is more cool tones in winter and more warm tones in summer, though you by no means have to follow it. Sorry if this is even more subpar than usual, I'm feelin' a little rusty rn
omg no worries thanks so much!!!
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