forum a group chat for literally any character ever but since there's so many different universes colliding it's just pure chaos (always open)
Started by @requiemisback language

people_alt 81 followers

Deleted user

(Eh, I joined the soup cult. Every chat is the right chat for soup.)

Cass: Yes, it can! The Ultimate Soup can in particular. It sees all.

Deleted user

Kardashev has joined the chat

Kardashev: A lone dreamer in this realm has summoned me. Who is it?

@lemon-gummy group

Azriel_The_Modern_Cupid: nothing really—

LIZZZ_: oh by the way im trying to prove a friend wrong do you think if someone breaks her arm twice in her broom races she can win the third time?

Frances091: Three times, actually. Once per race.

@trinitywilliams group

Amber joins chat
Amber: Hello everyone, I'm Amber and I'm a werewolf
Jax joins chat
Jax: Hello everyone, I'm Jax and I'm a werewolf. I'm Amber's boyfriend btw
Amber: Jax, you don't need to say that every time we enter a chat together

@trinitywilliams group

Amber: It's not that cool. I hate being a werewolf
Jax: Baby, why you have me
Amber: Yeah, but everyone I know hates me
Jax: Even though Cappuccino hates you, doesn't mean EVERYONE hates you

@lemon-gummy group

Amber: It's not that cool. I hate being a werewolf
Jax: Baby, why you have me
Amber: Yeah, but everyone I know hates me
Jax: Even though Cappuccino hates you, doesn't mean EVERYONE hates you

LIZZZ_: i dont hate you

Frances091: Liz, you haven't known them for longer than five minutes…

LIZZZ_: well you have a nice vibe! [whisper_to Amber: ignore frances theyre being annoying]

Frances091: [screenshot of liz's whisper] Do you know how to whisper? lol

LIZZZ_: shut up

@lemon-gummy group

Amber: smiles Thanks Liz

LIZZZ_: well, anyway, maybe you can settle a debate for us….

Frances091: Liz, we've been over this. Not every argument means we should drag everyone into it to see who's right.

Frances091 is typing…

LIZZZ_: so potentially if a hypothetical very cool witch breaks her arm in say, two broom races in a row, do think she could do it a third? statistically, i mean.

Frances091: *three broom races

+clove+ has joined the chat

+clove+: they have been at this for a week. help me

@lemon-gummy group

Amber: To be honest no, but I can't tell anyone what they can or can't not do

LIZZZ_: clove?

+clove+ is typing


+clove+: stop

+clove+: please